
  • Iklila: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial

    IKLILA JOURNAL is a journal published by the Islamic Religion Institute (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, published twice a year in April and November. It is a multidisciplinary publication covering all aspects of Islam and the Islamic world including the subject areas of history, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, environmental and development issues and ethical questions related to scientific research. It aims to encourage interaction among academics from diverse traditions of learning and to enable the diffusion, exchange and discussion of their research and reflections. 

  • Al-Kanza : Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking Science

    Al-Kanza : Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking Science adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Perbankan Syariah STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. Jurnal Al-Kanza : Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking Science terbit sejak tahun 2022 dan terbit satu kali dalam satu tahun di bulan Juli. Jurnal ini telah menerbitkan makalah ilmiah sejak tahun 2022. Semua makalah yang dikirimkan akan direview terlebih dahulu oleh editor jurnal dan jika sesuai dengan ruang lingkup jurnal, maka makalah akan dikirim ke peer-reviewer kami.
    Jurnal ini dirancang untuk memberikan wadah bagi para peneliti/akademisi dan juga praktisi yang tertarik dengan pengetahuan dan mendiskusikan ide, isu dan tantangan di bidang ekonomi dan perbankan syariah. Memecahkan masalah umat dan memberikan solusi atas kesenjangan antara teori dan praktik. Ruang lingkup atau cakupan jurnal ini akan mencakup tetapi tidak terbatas pada ekonomi syariah, bisnis syariah, perbankan syariah, pasar modal syariah, manajemen kekayaan syariah, masalah penerapan/praktik syariah perbankan syariah, zakat dan wakaf, takaful, keuangan perusahaan syariah. , manajemen risiko syariah, derivatif Islam, masalah Dewan Pengawas Syariah, etika bisnis Islam.

  • Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies

    Al-Bayan: Journal of Hadith Studies is a journal published by the Hadith Studies Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora. It features articles and research findings related to hadith and hadith sciences. The journal is issued twice a year, in January and July. Al Bayan has a research focus on several topics as follows: Living Hadith, Ma'ani al-Hadith (Meanings of Hadith), Takhrij al-Hadith (Hadith Authentication), Musykil al-Hadith (Problematic Hadith), Al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil (Criticism and Validation of Hadith Narrators), Hadith Hermeneutics, Hadith Digitalization, Nusantara Hadith Studies, Hadith Thought of Muslim Scholars, Hadith Thought of Western Scholars, Regional Hadith Studies, And other contemporary issues.

  • Tanmiya: Journal of Sharia Business Management

    Tanmiya: Journal of Sharia Business Management is a peer reviewed journal that publishes research results, theoretical studies and analytical studies in the field of Islamic management and Islamic business as well as broad entrepreneurship from around the world. We receive articles from academics, scholars, and researchers. This journal is published twice a year, namely in April and October.

  • Ceria: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini

    Ceria: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini is a journal published by the  Early Childhood Islamic Education Studies Program, Faculty of Education and Teaching Science, Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora. It features articles and research findings related to early childhood education. The journal is issued twice a year, in Mey and November.

  • Al-Maftukhah: Jurnal of Islamic Economics and Social

    Al-Maftukhah: Journal of Islamic Economics and Social is a journal published by the Islamic Economics Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora. It features articles and research findings related to Islamic Economy and Economics sciences. The journal is issued twice a year, in Juny and December.

  • Al Mu'allim: Journal of Islamic Education

    AL-MU’ALLIM Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education) is the leading journal in Islamic educational institutions concerning Islamic education. The journal is pursues the academic exploration on Islamic education discourses in madrasah (Islamic schools), pesantren (Islamic boarding school), and Islamic education in university. The journal promotes empirical research and theory relevant to Islamic affiliated educational institutions.

    The journal is published twice a year in June and December. It was firstly published in 2022 (printed edition). Since Vol. 1, Issue 1 (March 2022), it has migrated gradually to an electronic journal system (Open Access). It is now a fully online journal, and since Vol. 1, No. 2 (July 2022) it only accepts manuscript submissions written in English or Arabic.

  • Ar-Rosyad: Journal of Quran Studies and Tafsir

    Arrosyad: Journal of Quran Studies and Tafsir is published twice a year, in January and July, by Department of Qur'an Studies and Tafsir, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Islamic Institut (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora. The journal aims to encourage and promote the study of the Qur'an and Tafsir from various scholarly perspectives.
    The topics cover all issues related to the study of the Qur'an and Tafsir, including Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives of the Qur'an and Tafsir; Interpretation of the Qur'an; Qur'an, Tafsir, and Other Traditions; Methods and Approaches of the Qur'an and Tafsir; Social Qur'an and Hadith; Translation of the Qur'an; Living al-Qur'an, Figure Studies on the Qur'an and Tafsir, etc.

  • Al-Izzah : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

    Al-Izzah emphasizes the study of primary education and islamic primary education in islamic countries in general and specifically in Indonesia by emphasizing the theories of islamic primary education and its practices in the islamic worlds that developed in attendance through publications of articles. The Scope journal studies the theories with practices of primary education and islamic primary education in islamic country intends to express original research searches and current issues. This journal welcomes the contributions of scholars from related fields warmly that consider the following topics; e-learning, management of technology and innovation, child development, inclusive education, literation and numeration, islamic religious curriculum, educational innovation, islamic religious, education, and education for primary school teachers.